Core Values
We all have our shower thoughts(or driving thoughts, whichever suits you), and they usually lead to pretty interesting results. I happened to stumble upon one of those results this afternoon, during the absolute circus show that is Telegraph Road traffic. You see, I was thinking about the core values blog project, and a wonderful question took hold of my mind. What makes a person truly interesting? Of course, the first option that came to mind was mystery. Yaknow, like how Batman is interesting? Then it hit me.
Hate; hate is a very good captivator.
Ok, ok, I know that sparks a lot of questions, but hear me out. In my own life and through my own experiences, I’ve realized how selfish my own feelings and emotions are. In fact, I change my logic according to how I feel(MATERIAL GUUUURL). I mean, don’t we all?
But there is a truth to this, and that’s what I explored during my driving “high”. If someone has a trait we absolutely despise, we would wonder why and how they came to the conclusion to adopt that trait and use it. For example,(not tryna be political), a flat earther may infuriate someone who believes in science, leaving the science guy to wonder what made the flat earther adopt such a repulsive trait.
I think this can be extrapolated on to cases that are less extreme. If someone is heavily flirtatious, or has a risk-taking nature, we would focus on those that we hate(or at least what society doesn’t accept), leaving us captivated on why someone would be such a thing.
The Reader(You, the Intellectual): Wait, but wouldn’t that mean that the solution to attraction is in fact mystery? Everything you said about wondering why a person would adopt traits is a heavy sign of mystery leading to attraction, isn’t it?
The Writer(Me, the Pseudophilosopher): Actually, yeah. Now that you point it out. Mystery is the reason for attraction. Buuuut, I bet you not to discount the original point of hate being a catalyst for captavation. I still believe that human beings are more fixated on things they dislike than on things they like, eventually conditioning themselves to focus and nurture a desire for those very things they once hated.
The Reader: Oh, ok. Nice meme by the way.
Me: Aww thanks.
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