My Name
In our society, we give a lot of importance to names. They categorize us, and tell people who we are, where we come from, and so much more. We’ve seen prejudice against people just for the name they’ve been given. It’s quite ironic considering that no name was meant to be greater than another. Imagine if we compared names like we compared trading cards. Like third graders saying their charizard is better than your blastoise, imagine if someone said that Stuart was better than Jamal. My name is Aatreya, and it means “receptacle of glory”. I know, gaudy right? It helps how I carry myself, and I really like my name. I’ve heard many people mispronounce it, saying things like “Hextreya, Atreyas,” and so many other creative misnomers, but there’s a difference to my name. I’m content because it means something, unlike Phil. Richard will have to live with a hollow, common name that only designates him as another human on this earth. Meanwhile, I get to have a name that connects me to my culture, and lets me be unique in my own way.
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