Lingustics, More Than Just Words On a Sheet


The field of linguistics is definitely a complex one, and is the foundation of the world’s communication. The average person probably thinks of linguistics as an overcomplication of words. Words are a big part of linguistics, but there’s so much more to the field than just language syntax. Branches such as psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, and applied linguistics all have their home in the subject, with each branch exploring new ground. Oh so what? It doesn’t actually affect the world, you may ask. Au contraire, these fields relate to education psychology, communication, and scientific research. Imagine a teacher who couldn’t teach your kids properly because they keep using big words on fourth graders, or they couldn’t explain how a word is derived. That would stunt any child’s learning, leaving them literally speechless! Now imagine people with mental disabilities, or depressive thoughts. How would you talk to an irrational person in an approachable manner? Linguistics can help you out, giving clues for what words to use. The broad subject of linguistics has even more applications to the world than you can imagine. Jobs in Linguistics are expected to grow by 24% between 2020 and 2030, becoming less and less esoteric day by day.


  1. Hi Aatreya! I liked how in depth you went into the field of linguistics. As someone who has family members that are linguists and teachers, I have heard a broad array of conversations in these fields and I agree with your assertion of the importance of linguistics in the world.

  2. I like your indepth research and examples of relevance of linguistics. The thought and scenarios are agreeable and understandable. Nice job!


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